Version 22 (modified by edy, 10 years ago) (diff)


Edy's Vehicle Physics

Here you can find all the documentation and reference for using the project.

For generic information, download, gallery, live demo, etc. please visit Edy's Vehicle Physics showcase page.

Setting up

For accessing GIT repository and project's files please send me a message (edytado @ including your Asset Store invoice number. Please allow 24-48 hours to receive an email with instructions.

Please read the Readme txt file after importing the package in your project. It contains relevant information regarding further setup such as control setup (Input manager).

FAQ & Support

Frequently Asked Questions are answered at the first post of the official forum thread:


How to add vehicles to your own scenes

How to building a new, full featured scene with vehicles


CameraControl - Controls the main camera of the scene, providing different views and camera options.

CarCameras - Manages the vehicle-specific camera settings, including mirror cameras, vehicle cameras and view parameters.

CarControl - Main script for controlling and configuring each vehicle's behavior and handling.

CarDamage - Performs the mesh deformation on impacts.

CarMain - Main script that handles the user input and controls the logic of the scene.

CarSettings - High-level properties for configuring each vehicle's features and driving aids.

CarTelemetry - Displays internal information from the vehicle's components.

CarVisuals - Produces the visual effects for the wheels.

CarWheel - Controls the WheelCollider component for behaving as expected.

CarWheelFriction - Provides functions for gathering information on the WheelCollider's friction curves.

Other documents

Performance and optimization

The stabilizer bars: creating physically real, stable vehicles

Terms and Conditions for using Edy's Vehicle Physics in your projects